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More than one billion people around the world are actively using Facebook. This platform is popular in
society. People aged 45 and up now make up 33 percent of Facebook users. While it’s an easy way to
share good news and great photos, collect tips and ideas, and catch up on the latest gossip, we tend to
forget one important thing: The majority of our Facebook “friends” aren’t really our friends at all. We
probably don’t know or barely know the majority.
You should be cautious not to share too much information. When it comes to announcing travel
dates or posting, be careful who is permitted to see your information. Read on to find out which status updates you should keep to yourself. Try to save it for your real friends. Announcing how many days are left until you return is uninhabited, just gives potential thieves the prep time they need to come up with a foolproof plan.
Relate to the movie Home Alone—but in this case, it’s your valuables, and not a young boy, that will
need protection from strangers.
Of course it’s always fun to quote a much-loved song, this type of announcement is practically an open
invitation to burglars. They’ll be thinking, “You’re leaving now? Thanks for letting us know,” Things used
to be a little more discreet before social media came into play. Having neighbors pick up your mail and
leaving lights on to let strangers believe you are home when you’re not can still prevent certain
situations from happening.
Everyone likes to visit Paradise at some point or another. Just be sure to never let the world know
how many days you’ll be there.. Not only do potential intruders know just how long they have to break
into your home without fear of being caught, they can get an idea of just how wealthy you are based on
how much of a “paradise” your travel destination happens to be.
Trust me, even if your Facebook friends are limited to those you’d have over for tea, you can bet on
the fact that people you don’t know will still end up seeing your photos. Facebook’s default privacy
setting allows strangers to view your photo if a mutual friend happens to comment on it or simply hit
We feel your pain, but the thief who now has access to your home doesn’t care. Try to keep your lips
sealed on social media. We all love to impress our friends with gorgeous travel photos and status
updates that capture all that fun in the sun—but it’s safer to share details of your trip once it's over.
Keeping your lips sealed during your travels means you can rest assured that potential home intruders
aren’t aware of your every move. Taking a break from technology means you won’t have to worry
about the possibility of identity theft while you are away. It is much easier for passwords to be stolen
and accounts to be hacked on shared computers or unsecured networks. Not to mention you can better
enjoy your vacation if you aren’t constantly online .
Always be sure to keep your home and family secure. Be careful what you share on social media
because there are people out there plotting and ready when you're least expected.
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